
易金矿业网 2022-09-18 09:03 编辑:单嘉 57阅读

日期 WTI BRENT 迪拜 阿曼 塔皮斯 米纳斯 杜里 辛塔 大庆 胜利
49.66 49.23 46.675 46.705 50.035 49.67 38.42 49.71 46.43 38.72
48.41 47.99 48.175 48.355 51.84 51.72 42.75 39.97 48.155 40.252
52.38 51.98 50.74 51.11 54.615 54.63 42.75 54.11 51.12 43.075

国际油价点定? OPEC or market?

There are 3 factors mainly affecting the Price of oil. The first one,,as u say ,market demand and supply!! When the economy goes well,,especially manufacturing doing good,,demand raise up...price follows. And suppliers decide the supply amount,,supply decrease, price also goes up.The second one is investor,,trading commodities to gain profit.The third one is about USD rate, USD goes up, oil price decline,, otherwise, it increase..


124.36美元/桶 昨天最新数据

1吨约等于7桶,如果油质较轻(稀)则1吨约等于7.2 桶或7.3桶。美欧等国的加油站,通常用加仑做单位,我国的加油站则用升计价。1桶=158.98升=42加仑。美制1加仑=3.785升,英制1加仑= 4.546升。如果要把体积换算成重量,和原油的密度有关。假设某地产的原油密度为0.99公斤/升,那么一桶的原油重量就是158.98×0.99= 157.3902公斤